Urban Dictionary (都市词典)可以对如下的玩意做出解释,也可谓独出心裁。
# +:)
# +b
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# ,>_<, # ,maube # ,o.o, # ,o/ # ,^_^, # ,_, # - # - - ;; # -(*^_^*)- 当然也有正经的英文词的解释,但编辑者不是什么语言学家或什么什么学者或智者大儒,而就是广大的网虫子,一般在网络见到的古怪的字母、符号、憋你两天不知所云的掐头去尾的单词等等都会有一些解释,至于解释的权威性,你就有发言权。不过你的英文水平还是要有一点的,因为解释是英文的。 如对#!*&$!@#的解释为: 1. #!*&$!@# 14 up, 1 down Extreme anger used in a fashion were normal "swear words" are not allowed. I shot my self in the #!*&$!@# foot! 14个up而只有1个down,看来还不错。 又如在波波上经常出现的sez的解释为: 1. sez 17 up, 3 down slang for "says", like "he says" or "she says" he sez that i am a woman and she sez i am a man!!! 2. sez 11 up, 6 down Slang for marijuana. sez; n. The cannabis plant. A preparation made from the dried flower clusters and leaves of the cannabis plant, usually smoked or eaten to induce euphoria. "Don't forget to bring the sez." or "Hey man, wanna get sezzed up?" 3. sez 7 up, 8 down Chiefly Mancunian riposte. Implies the presence of hypocrisy in a person's pronouncement. Person A: "You are a foule gaye raper." Person B: "SEZ". 有了第一条的解释,sez的意思就很清楚了。 有闲工夫查一查一些古怪的词语,看看给出的注解,也是很有趣味的事情。 如你可查一查“ni hao”,还有图片为你协助。

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