美国人民说 “格鲁吉亚”不见俄军
Jason @ 2008.08.15 , 04:49 下午当俄军进入格鲁吉亚(Georgia)的新闻甚嚣尘上时,佐治亚州(Georgia)的美国人民不□□,“焦躁不安”的上雅虎知道(Yahoo! Answer)上发帖问 “我就在 Georgia,既没见俄国人又没见坦克的,不知道我的拖车会不会有事……”
“You need to pack the coon dogs in the pickup truck and head North (not good I understand). They have those tricky silent bombs. You won't here anything until you are dead.......
Hurry, you can pick up a six pack at Circle K on your way out of town!
“I heard the Russians were taking a midnight train to Georgia (听说俄国人来时坐的可是午夜快车)”
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