#这篇DIGG STORY的精彩之处在于它的回复,比如以下:

"Susan! I'm home!"
"Oh, Hi Morty."
"Where's dinner?"
"Morty?! You promise we'd see a movie tonight! I though we could have a romantic dinner without the kids afterwards..."
"Susan, please, I had a hard day at work, Just make me a sandwich..."
"MORTY! I'm always the one that hunts the food. I can't do this anymore! -sigh- Junior got another D on his report card this afternoon."
"Susan, please, I'm so tired of this crap, if you don't shut up..."
"This again!? My mother always said, 'No Susan, don't marry him, marry that nice elephant from across the savannah.'
but no I said, he'll be fine, I said, 'he'll provide for his wife and cubs'"
"Jesus christ Sue... Get over here!"
"No Morty!"

# Copyright for Jandan.net(http://jandan.net/)

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