




1. Placement of a pontoons under the building 浮筒
2. Longer column extensions that slide out of their footings 加高支架
3. Szikorsky Helicopter to lift the 300 ton house 直升机
4. Hydraulic jacks to raise it in place 液压
5. Building up the site flood plain by 12 ft. 地基上升
6. Move the house to high ground 整体移动
7. Retractable flood walls surrounding the house. 拆卸式防水围墙
8. Waterproofing everything inside the house (vinyl upholstery, plastic laminate wood?) 全防水
9. Inflatable raft under the house 充气筏
10. Internal sandbags around furniture and core 内部沙包
11. Dikes and dams 坝
12. Moats 水沟
13. Fixed Moment Frame below the soil
14. Sandbags
15. Temporary flood walls
16. Reverse aquarium designed to rise out of the ground
17. Giant Zip lock bag
18. Steel waterproof shutters

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